The game will feature 3D models and graphics, but all the action takes place in the 2D side scrolling plane. The player navigates from the start of the game through the level toward the final objective. Will feature game play elements such as a reflective armor/shield. The game should involve some thought in either the form of discovering how to escape or how to defeat a particular robot. We plan to incorporate and have a focus on tightly tuned controls in order to eliminate player frustrations. The game should put an emphasis on skill and timing, driving the player to perform better with a steep difficulty curve. Also, our game will feature robots, and robots are cool.
- Number of players - Single player
- Game play objectives - Escape form the robot factory before you are turned into an android by Dr. Natty (Start to Finish).
- Procedures/Rules - The player has a certain amount of health and must avoid being hit by enemies in order to sustain positive health and stay alive. The player can eliminate enemies using his weapon, allowing enemies to hit and eliminate each other, or by reflecting enemy attacks using a shield.
- Resource Conflicts - The player must find pick-ups for health and ammo, along with facing possible time constraints during parts of the game.
- Boundaries or Formal Elements - Platform which the player must navigate through as well as the factory in which the player is trapped in. The player must overcome the robots and escape the factory.
- Left Mouse or CTRL - Punch
- Right Mouse or ALT - Fire Projectile
- WASD or Arrow Keys - Navigation.
- E or Z Key - Power-up activation.
- Shift Key - Run
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